September is Safety Month at SAUR


SAUR's 4th MIPAT (Internal Workplace Accident Prevention Month) began on September 1 with the presentation of a theater piece called "PPE Pirates", offering a fun approach to the topic: "Live with safety, work with trust", focusing on the importance of each employee's commitment to personal health and safety.

The program, which runs until September 26, approaches topics such as Social Security systems and benefits, life quality, motivation and traffic.

Further, in the third week of the event an exhibition is planned in the company yard featuring the "Tunnel of Insecurity", aimed at raising employee awareness with regards to the importance of working safely, using personal protection equipment and avoiding accidents.

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Truck Drivers' Stoppage

Amidst the economic and political turbulence Brazil is facing, the stoppage promoted by the truck drivers already reflects its consequences throughout the country. The blocking of trucks that hinders the logistical flow also reflects in the factory process of our company.
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