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Description and Application

The Push-Pull - Fork Mounted is ideal for operations that require the rapid and frequent removal and installation of the Push-Pull on the forklift. This equipment operates like a conventional Push-Pull and is installed in the following manner: 1- The forklift introduced the original forks under the Push-Pull 2 - Attach the Push-Pull to the fork holder of the forklift elevating the lower clasps and locking the pin 3 - Couple the rapid hose hitches, in a few minutes the Push-Pull is ready to operate. 


  • Capacity: From 1,500 to 2,000 Kg
  • Pushing plate with rounded edges to prevent damage to goods
  • Automated hydraulic sequence to advance the pantograph and secure the slip sheet
  • Structure in highly resistant steel and joints with self-lubricating bushings
  • Wide, thin plate forks, as the weight of the load is supported by the forklifts original forks With the side shift included or to be mounted over the existing shifter on the forklift High visibility facilitating operations 


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