Recognized as one of the leading companies in the cement sector in Brazil, Votorantim Cimentos, has for some time, sought solutions to make the handling of loads in its dispatch area more dynamic. In a highly competitive market that is in constant transformation and where agility and efficiency are essential and fundamental qualities, the company needed greater agility, productivity and low return rates, losses and idle periods in its logistics area.
"The cement sector has distinct characteristics; our operations are concentrated in base areas of the economy that are capital intensive and that demand speed and high levels of production. Due to this we need to work with machinery that is capable of reducing operational costs, handling times, the degree of human intervention and that can increase productivity", explained Fernando Bergaro, logistics manager at Votorantim Cimentos.
According to Bergaro the company faced constant problems in the area with equipment failure, unsatisfactory maintenance, low productivity and the provision of a service below the desired level to the drivers. They needed a solution. This challenge was taken on by SAUR, a company that has had a long standing relationship with the Votorantim Group in the provision of load handling equipment.
"Agility in handling was compromised by the need to employ the services of subcontractors. The loads were assembled manually, or it they had to be palletized directly on the vehicle. Slow processes with low levels of certainty", he commented.
Considering the needs of this client SAUR presented the Pusher, equipment that permits vehicles to be loaded from one of its sides, as well as loading two palettes at a time (double depth). This solution, right from the start, stood out by providing agility, easy circulation, power and performance, with the result that the vehicle waiting time in the unit was reduced, the operational process flowed more easily and dynamically and, thus, the level of service to the motorists was improved. The first part of the challenge had been overcome.
At Votorantim Cimentos the SAUR Pushers have been in operation since 2012 and, according to Bergaro, the equipment has met all expectations, allowing a reduction in internal handling times and, the principal requirement, reducing costs whilst increasing productivity.
The Votorantim Cimentos plant in the city of Rio Branco do Sul in the state of Paraná in Brazil, works today with three SAUR Pusher units. "We have approved the product, we recognize the work of the company and we are highly satisfied and comfortable, as we trust the security, credibility and service that SAUR provides." - affirmed Bergaro.