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Description and Application

The Metallic Frame SAUR is an optional structure for the base of Truck Dumpers. This frame is a great economic option to eliminate the investments in more complex hopper structures, since its structure enables the installation on the hopper, with no civil work, reducing installation time and saving in investments for civil work of the hopper. The metallic Frame SAUR allows for the relocation of the dumper to another hopper or to another grain handling facility, with low transportation and civil work cost. For the concept of Advanced grain handling facility, the Metallic Frame is already part of the set of items from USOMIX SAUR, a system made up of Truck Dumper, Sample Collector, Metallic Frame, conveyor belt and analysis facility, that can be installed in different places, streamlining grain receiving at storage facilities.


Optional item for models of truck dumpers of up to 21 meters. Dimensioning according to each truck dumper model.

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