SAUR turns 88 years old

To kick off the celebrations of its 88 years of history, today SAUR presented its employees with the vignette of its new commemorative stamp. It also honored the date with a presentation from a teacher and group of students from the Oficina de Talentos in Panambi. To celebrate the anniversary, a variety of internal and community activities will take place throughout the month of August.

The 88th anniversary stamp shows confidence, innovation, creativity and respect as indispensable attributes in the company's growth and its relationship with its clients. "The number with strong features expresses the company's tradition and vision for the future. In front are three lines in different colors that represent the company's 3 FUNDAMENTAL PILLARS. CLIENTS, EMPLOYEES AND RELATIONSHIPS. The GREEN represents tranquility, safety and a commitment to the environment, life and nature. It is also SAUR'S signature color. The BLUE gives a feeling of tranquility, productivity, transparency, management and infinity, representing the relationship SAUR has with its clients. The ORANGE signifies enthusiasm, success and creative energy, as a reference to the company's employees.  The union of these elements that meld together and complete each other create the characteristic symbol of this history and express the ideals and enthusiasm of a company that is celebrating its 88th anniversary, reaffirming its commitment to its clients, partners, employees and relationships." It is through a belief in an improving future for the country that SAUR innovates, implements technology and invests in professional development activities for its staff and educational and cultural activities for the community.

SAUR is the leading company in Unloading Platforms for Bulk Cargo and Equipment for Forklifts, and is also a reference in manufacturing Forestry Cranes (which are part of the PENZSAUR brand) and various other types of equipment for transporting cargo. 

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