On the afternoon of Saturday, September 27th, SAUR held the 4th Spring Tea at Afusa to support the Liga Feminina de Combate ao Câncer de Panambi (Panambi League of Women Fighting Cancer).This edition included the Poetic Musical, “O Labirinto dos Sentimentos” (The Labyrinth of Feelings) presented by production company Dois por Dois from Estância Velha, RS. It included messages of reflection about making life worth it.
Held once every two years, the Tea is an initiative created by a group of volunteers at SAUR that has the support of the other employees, the company, the suppliers and the press.
On behalf of the League, the President of the organization, Jurema Schmidt thanked SAUR and the company's volunteers for their kindness. "There are no words to thank you for this initiative. It is very welcome and helps our cancer patients afford medication, transportation and food. Thank you so much to the team that promoted this event and everyone who purchased the Tea card, showing your support for the organization."
The director of the company, Ingrid Saur, a ardent supporter of the event, thanked the group of SAUR volunteers and everyone present for their support. "This event is organized by the company's volunteers, who dedicate themselves to organizing this Tea to provide an enjoyable bonding moment for everyone here. They strive to make each edition better than the last. I would like to thank the team for their dedication, and everyone in attendance for showing their support to this important organization, the Panambi League of Women Fighting Cancer."
The SAUR team of volunteers would like to thank everyone who contributed to this Tea as well as everyone attending the event.